Aleks Vladimirov
Contributions by Aleks Vladimirov, a PhD researcher at Manchester Metropolitan University’s Institute of Place Management. His experience includes working in brand management, place management and digital user experience research. Aleks focuses his PhD research on decision-making related to place, especially how graduates choose where to live. Connect with Aleks on LinkedIn.
City Nation Place UK Inaugural Conference May 2019: Reflections
City Nation Place forum UK 2019: Aleks Vladimirov shares his reflections, urging place brand managers to show more courage in embracing the realities of their place, and abstaining from marketing language in their promotion of place.
Reflections on 2nd International Place Branding Association Conference in Swansea, 2017
Aleks Vladimirov reflects on the 2nd International Place Branding Association conference which took place in Swansea, Wales, in early December 2017.
Reflections on 4th Institute of Place Management Conference in Manchester, UK
Aleks Vladimirov shares latest place branding research and reflects on the 4th Institute of Place Management conference which took place in Manchester, UK, in September 2017, with a focus on inclusive placemaking.
How the Town of Shrewsbury (Re)Discovered Charles Darwin as City Branding Opportunity
Guest post by Aleks Vladimirov on how Shrewsbury in England (re)discovered Charles Darwin as city branding opportunity, and how it uses its credentials as birthplace of Darwin to bring new life to the town.
Business Improvement Districts Explained: What BIDs Mean And Why They Matter
Business Improvement District (BID): Learn about what BIDs are, how they work and why they matter.
Innovating Talent Attraction: A Practitioner’s Guide for Cities, Regions and Countries – Book Review
Review of 'Innovating Talent Attraction: A Practitioner's Guide for Cities, Regions and Countries', by Nikolaj Lubanski, Marcus Andersson and Morten King-Gruber.