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city brand

Atlantic City Branding – AT Brand Project Fosters Collaboration

Guest post by Robert Hughes, responsible for Atlantic Brand and Dublin City Brand Projects, on integrated City Branding and collaboration across countries.

Destination Branding For Small Cities by Bill Baker: Book Review

Review of Destination Branding for Small Cities (2nd edition), a book by city branding and destination marketing expert Bill Baker (USA). Highly recommended.

Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko on City Branding as Strategic Management Tool for Local Governments

Finnish researcher and academic Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko in this interview discusses his most recent book "The Political Economy of City Branding" (Routledge).

Megacities, Mega Unlivable? Call For Place Branding

Peter Knapp in the Marketing Magazine looks at how place branding can be used to make megacities more human and liveable by giving suburbs unique identities.
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