Consultancy forms part of most place branding projects, and rightly so, considering the complex nature of developing a place brand strategy, implementing it and managing the brand of a city, region or destination over time. Below articles bring you consultancy insights, tips and expert advice, such as how to select the right place brand consultant.
Bernhard Klein, City and Destination Branding Consultant
Branding consultant Bernhard Klein on his work for Vienna city and its destination brand. Read about his thoughts on place branding and benefit from his expert advice.
Mihalis Kavaratzis on How to Succeed in Place Marketing
Professor Mihalis Kavaratzis discusses the future of place marketing and why we need to rethink place branding.
Introduction to Place Branding
Video by Resonance Consultancy President Chris Fair on how place branding can become a powerful tool to differentiate a city, destination, or even country.