country rankings

Country Reputation: Sweden Tops 2016 RepTrak Ranking

2016 RepTrak Ranking: Sweden tops annual Country Reputation survey by Reputation Institute. Learn how this perception study works and which countries benefit from a favorable image abroad.

Simon Anholt on the Good Country Index and the Global Vote

Simon Anholt on his latest projects, the Global Vote and the Good Country Index, whose second version was published last week. In the interview Simon Anholt reflects on trends and the challenges of measuring how good - or bad - countries are for the global community.

National Prosperity Explained: The 2015 Legatum Prosperity Index

Learn about national prosperity around the world and the Legatum Prosperity Index 2015 in this guest post by place brand expert Svetlana Masjutina.

Country Brand Ranking Latin America 2015 – Insights & Trends

FutureBrand Managing Director Gustavo Koniszczer shares key insights from the Country Brand Ranking Latin America survey 2015.

Country Brand Rankings – What’s the Point?

Article on country branding rankings and indices, and their use for investors, tourism and economic development professionals.

Why Germany First in 2014 Nation Brands Index Is Good News

Summary and thoughts on result of Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index 2014: Reasons and implications of Germany as most admired country and nation brand.
