Denmark: Country brand insights and thoughts on the Danish nation brand, Denmark’s country branding, reputation and positioning as country-of-origin.
Current State of Place Branding Practice in Europe
Place branding practice in Europe: European place brand developers, managers and marketers share their thoughts on place branding approaches in Europe.
Jesper Falkheimer on Place Branding, Media and Strategic Communication
Professor Jesper Falkheimer of Lund University in Sweden on the links between place branding, media and strategic communication.
Hjörtur Smárason on Place Branding, Brand Africa and Future Cities
Hjörtur Smárason talks about place branding and the prospects of African cities regarding sustainable urban planning, development and innovation.
Can Seng Ooi on Place Branding, Culture and Sustainability
Can Seng Ooi in this interview discusses place branding in Denmark and Singapore, and the links between city branding, culture and sustainability.
Sebastian Zenker on Place Marketing and City Branding
Interview with Sebastian Zenker of Copenhagen Business School on place marketing and city branding in Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands.