Destination Branding

Do We Need to Reinvent Destination Marketing Organizations?

TED talk by travel writer and advisor Doug Lansky on how DMO can solve travel's authenticity crisis by focusing on destination management, not marketing.

Destination Managers: How to Create a Meaningful Visitor Experience

Guest post by Erik van t' Klooster on how to create meaningful visitor experiences at destinations. Good tips for destination marketing professionals.

How (Not) to Communicate Sustainability in Destination Marketing: Keep it Real

Sustainability and tourism marketing expert Professor Xavier Font gives tips on how (not) to communicate sustainability as part of destination marketing.

Destination Branding Case Study: Rebranding Tillamook County, Oregon

Destination branding case study by Bill Baker with details on place branding strategy and approach used for Tillamook County in Oregon, USA.

Destination Branding For Small Cities by Bill Baker: Book Review

Review of Destination Branding for Small Cities (2nd edition), a book by city branding and destination marketing expert Bill Baker (USA). Highly recommended.

Sustainable Tourism Advice for Destination Marketers: Keep it Real!

Info by VisitEngland for destination branding professionals on sustainability and how to create authentic, credible place brands and marketing campaigns.
