Economic Development

Rod Crider on Economic Development in the USA: Then and Now

Rod Crider of Rowan County EDC on economic development practice in the USA: how it has changed over time, keys to success and how it differs across regions.

Todd Babiak on How Brand Tasmania Took Off: Its Development and Storytelling

Todd Babiak explains how Brand Tasmania took off by actively listening to the region's residents and businesses - leading to a strong place brand.

How Economic Development Programs Can Change Perceptions of Places

How can economic development programs change perceptions of place? We asked our panel of place brand experts, who in this post share some innovative examples from around the world.

Why and How to Measure Place Branding Success Beyond Economic Growth

TPBO Expert panel shares why and how to measure place branding success beyond economic factors such as wealth creation or economic growth.

How Narrative and Storytelling Impact the Economic Development of Places

How narrative and storytelling impact the social and economic development of places: expert views

Constanza Cea on How Chile is Creating Future

Constanza Cea shares how Chile is positioning its country brand(ing) towards clean energy and other aspects of sustainability, attracting new investment and global attention.
