Place Brand Consultants

Bernhard Klein, City and Destination Branding Consultant

Branding consultant Bernhard Klein on his work for Vienna city and its destination brand. Read about his thoughts on place branding and benefit from his expert advice.

Andy Levine on the Keys to Success in Place Marketing and Economic Development

Andy Levine of Development Counsellors International (DCI) discusses success factors for place marketing strategies and how place branding can support sustainable economic development.

Ed Burghard on Brand USA and Strengthening Brand America

Ed Burghard (USA) on place branding, Strengthening Brand America, and how economic development professionals can serve the American Dream.

Juan Carlos Belloso on City Branding and the Case of Barcelona

Juan Carlos Belloso discusses city branding, Brand Barcelona and why good leadership is crucial for place branding success.

Robert Govers on Place Branding Theory and Practice

Learn about the past and future of place branding theory and practice in this interview with city, country reputation scholar and advisor Robert Govers.

Malcolm Allan on City Branding and Placemaking in Great Britain

Place branding expert Malcolm Allan of Place Matters in the UK in this interview shares his experience and thoughts on city development and destination branding.
