Place Brand Consultants
Meet leading place brand consultants worldwide, featured through interviews and professional profiles. Some are also part of our Impact Partner Network, offering deep insights and expertise in the field. All are peer-nominated for their relevance and contributions.
Buck Song Koh on Nation Branding and Brand Singapore
In this interview with Buck Song Koh, learn about Brand Singapore, its country reputation, the role of placemaking, and nation branding practices in Asia.
Gonzalo Brujó on Place Branding Strategies and Factors Determining Brand Strength
Gonzalo Brujó of Interbrand Consultancy, about how to measure the effectiveness and ROI of place branding, and the value of country brands.
James Pamment on Strategic Communication and Public Diplomacy
James Pamment, Senior Lecturer at Lund University, in this interview discusses strategic communication, public diplomacy, and international development.
Jose Filipe Torres on the Branding and Digital Reputation of Countries, Regions and Cities
Jose Filipe Torres in this interview discusses the growing importance of the branding and digital reputation of cities, regions and countries.
Richard Florida on Creative Cities and Economic Development
City brands and the making, management and communication of a city's strongest assets in the eyes of potential residents, visitors, investors and students, has been a key occupation of economic development professionals all over the world. Richard Florida explains why the Creative Classes are so important in achieving city strength and a competitive position.
Caio Esteves on Place Branding in Brazil and Latin America
Caio Esteves introduces us to place branding in Brazil and explains how his MBA program integrates different disciplines and approaches. He also reveals which place branding examples in Latin America inspire his work and why the brand and reputation of Brazil has not been able to benefit as much as it could from the nation's global exposure linked to the Soccer World Cup and the Olympic games.