Place Brand Consultants

Mike Fabricius on Africa, Destination Marketing and Place Brand Management

Mike Fabricius of tourism destination consultancy The Journey, on the depths of what place branding and destination marketing really mean. We further discuss examples from his work on place brands and his involvement with places in Africa and across the world.

Natasha Grand on Creating Place Identity

Natasha Grand of the Institute for Identity (INSTID), on place identity creation as tool to guide locals to their greater purpose, and to unlock their self-esteem. Learn why place identity work will be needed even more in a post-industrial world.

Petra Trimborn on Destination Branding and Sustainability in Germany

Petra Trimborn of inspektour consultancy in Germany, on destination branding, strong city brands and sustainability as competitive advantage.

Andrew Hoyne on Placemaking and Branding Trends in Australia

Andrew Hoyne discusses how placemaking, design and putting people first can help establish meaningful and profitable places, with examples from Australia.

Buck Song Koh on Nation Branding and Brand Singapore

In this interview with Buck Song Koh, learn about Brand Singapore, its country reputation, the role of placemaking, and nation branding practices in Asia.

Gonzalo Brujó on Place Branding Strategies and Factors Determining Brand Strength

Gonzalo Brujó of Interbrand Consultancy, about how to measure the effectiveness and ROI of place branding, and the value of country brands.
