Place Brand Academics
Discover insights from leading academics in place branding through our collection of interviews with place brand researchers. Interviewees are selected via peer nomination, ensuring expertise and relevance in the field.
Oliver Zöllner of Stuttgart Media University on Place Branding in Germany
Oliver Zöllner, Professor at Stuttgart Media University in southwest Germany, offers a down-to-earth, slightly critical view on place branding.
Jesper Falkheimer on Place Branding, Media and Strategic Communication
Professor Jesper Falkheimer of Lund University in Sweden on the links between place branding, media and strategic communication.
Saskia Sassen on Global Cities: Opportunities, Challenges and Consequences
Saskia Sassen of Columbia University on global cities: opportunities, challenges and consequences, and her recent book, Expulsions.
Gary Warnaby on City Marketing and Branding Retail Destinations
Learn about city marketing and how to manage and brand retail destinations in cities in this interview with Gary Warnaby, Professor at the Manchester Metropolitan University Business School in the UK.
Gildo Seisdedos, Professor at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain
City marketing and city management are the focus of this interview with Gildo Seisdedos, Professor at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain, and a solicited advisor on smart city trends and challenges.
Antonios Giannopoulos on Destination Branding, Tourism and Innovation
Dr. Antonios Giannopoulos discusses the services industry, marketing strategy, and implementation within the context of tourism management.