Place Brand Academics

David Gertner, Pace University, on Strategic Place Marketing

Pace University Associate Professor David Gertner in this interview discusses strategic place marketing, place branding research and its challenges and opportunities.

Nadia Kaneva on Nation Branding Research and Approaches

Nadia Kaneva of University of Denver shares her thoughts on nation branding research and practice and has tips for graduates in strategic communication and international relations.

Eugene D. Jaffe on Israel, Country Image and the Country-of-Origin Effect

Eugene D. Jaffe, Professor at the Ruppin Academic Center, discusses country image, the case of Israel and the power of the country-of-origin effect.

Nicolas Papadopoulos on Country Image Research and Nation Branding Trends

Nicolas Papadopoulos, Chancellor's Professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, in this interview discusses country image research in America and nation branding challenges and trends.

Can Seng Ooi on Place Branding, Culture and Sustainability

Can Seng Ooi in this interview discusses place branding in Denmark and Singapore, and the links between city branding, culture and sustainability.

Jordi de San Eugenio Vela on Barcelona, City Branding and Public Diplomacy in Catalonia, Spain

Jordi de San Eugenio Vela of Universitat de Vic - University of Central Catalonia in this interview discusses city and nation branding, using the examples of Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain.
