Place Branding
Auckland: New Zealand’s Award-Winning City Brand
Winner of City Nation Place's ‘Place Brand of the Year 2020’ award, every stage of building Auckland's city brand is notable. In this interview, Shelley Watson, Head of Marketing and Clare Barker, Brand Manager at Auckland Unlimited explain how their award-winning city brand came into being.
How to Use Storytelling for Place Branding: Five Ways to Spread Place Stories
Günter Soydanbay on why the act of creating place strategy is too important to be left to the city officials and why storytelling is the often missing link among key decision-makers and the locals.
Place Branding Around the World: Lessons from City Nation Place Events 2019
Clare Dewhirst, founder and organizer of the popular City Nation Place events and networking opportunities for place branders, in this guest post shares a few key insights and lessons from recent forums in the UK, California and Costa Rica.
How Tourism Advertising Impacts Destination Image and Country Reputation: Example Bangladesh
How can tourism advertising be used in destination branding and to impact perceptions and reputation of countries? Here key insights from a recent study on the case of Bangladesh.
Guido van Garderen on the Grand Challenges of Branding and the Ultimate Course on Brand Strategy
Interview with Guido van Garderen, former Strategy Director at Interbrand, on the ‘grand challenges’ of branding, the ultimate course on brand strategy and his thoughts on nation branding in Africa.
Mikael Andéhn on the Meaning of Place, Capitalism and the Potential Limitations of Place Branding
Mikael Andéhn of Royal Holloway University of London in the UK in this interview elaborates on the meaning of places, capitalism and how it affects place branding and place marketing.