Place Branding

Why and How to Measure Place Brand Equity

Magdalena Florek explains why and how to measure place brand equity, indicative of the success of place branding and marketing campaigns and initiatives.

Thoughts on 2015 Place Marketing and Branding Manifesto

Spot on: 2015 Place Marketing and Branding Manifesto by Best Place Institute & leading place branding scholars and experts: definitions, concepts, goals.

7 Success Factors for Effective Place Brand Partnerships

Guest post by Barcelona branding expert Juan Carlos Belloso on how to create + maintain effective place brand partnerships - success factors and principles.

Why Not to Confuse Place Branding and Place Marketing

Place branding and place marketing: where's the difference? Place reputation expert Robert Govers has answers - and illustrates how both can benefit cities, regions, countries.

Robert Govers on Place Branding Theory and Practice

Learn about the past and future of place branding theory and practice in this interview with city, country reputation scholar and advisor Robert Govers.

Book Review: International Place Branding Yearbook Series

Short introduction of the International Place Branding Yearbook Series by Robert Govers and Frank Go, published by Palgrave Macmillan.
