Region brands and the branding of regions have received increasing attention lately. Learn about latest research insights, thoughts and advice on region branding, regional image and reputation management.
Northamptonshire: Example of a County and Destination in Need of Strategic Place Brand Management
Shalini Bisani discusses the state of Northamptonshire, image and identity, and why the county needs a strategic approach to regional brand development and destination management.
Gene DePrez on Economic Development, Place Branding and Competitive City Regions
Gene DePrez of Global Innovation Partners in this interview discusses the role of place branding in economic development and why it is crucial for the competitive positioning of city-regions.
Gert-Jan Hospers on Urban and Regional Development and Place Marketing
Geography Professor Gert-Jan Hospers of the Netherlands discusses the challenges of marketing former industrial cities and using place branding to beat demographic shrinkage.
Conny Moonen of Connect Limburg on Cross-Border Regional Branding in Europe
Conny Moonen, Head of Connect Limburg, the Dutch region's place brand management organization, discusses regional branding challenges, opportunities and trends.
Björn P. Jacobsen on Inter-Regional and Cross-Border Place Branding in Europe
Björn P. Jacobsen of Stralsund University in Germany discusses the benefits and challenges of interregional and cross-border place branding in Europe.
Øyvind Såtvedt on Brand Development and Management of the Oslo Region
Øyvind Såtvedt on developing and managing the brand of the Oslo Region, the challenges and trends affecting place branding in Scandinavia, Europe.