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How the Oslo Brand Toolbox Supports the City Branding of the Norwegian Capital

The Oslo Brand Toolbox is an innovative city branding strategy and example worth following. Oslo Brand Manager Tone-Lise Vilje in this case study tells us how the Oslo Brand Toolbox works, and how it supports the Norwegian capital's economic development and talent attraction ambitions.

Helena Nordström on Place Branding in Sweden and Characteristics of Successful Place Brands

Helena Nordström of the Swedish consulting business Placebrander in this interview shares her experience with place branding in Sweden.

Øyvind Såtvedt on Brand Development and Management of the Oslo Region

Øyvind Såtvedt on developing and managing the brand of the Oslo Region, the challenges and trends affecting place branding in Scandinavia, Europe.

Gregory Pomerantsev on Aviation, Travel and Place Branding

Gregory Pomerantsev on city brands, airBaltic, Belarus country branding and the role of aviation and airlines in place branding

Nikolaj Lubanski of Copenhagen Capacity on Talent Attraction: Strategies, Trends and Challenges

Nikolaj Lubanski of Copenhagen Capacity about talent attraction strategies, trends and challenges.

Current State of Place Branding Practice in Europe

Place branding practice in Europe: European place brand developers, managers and marketers share their thoughts on place branding approaches in Europe.
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