Talent Attraction
Talent attraction is one of the main motivations behind many city branding or place marketing initiatives. Despite a growing world population, the skills shortage currently experienced by many cities, regions and countries is predicted to get worse in the next years. Learn about best practice examples of Talent attraction and -retention, and the strategies used by cities and regions around the world to be attractive to digital nomads and specialists.
Eytan Schwartz on Tel Aviv, City Branding and Talent Attraction
Eytan Schwartz, CEO of Tel Aviv Global, in this interview illustrates how the city branding and reputation of Tel Aviv has evolved over time.
Edith Wong of Invest Hong Kong on FDI and Talent Attraction Strategies
Edith Wong, Chief Marketing Officer at Invest Hong Kong, illustrates how "Asia's World City" positions itself as attractive place for foreign direct investment and businesses.
Steven Pedigo on City Branding, Economic Development and Urban Sustainability
Steven Pedigo of the NYU Schack Institute of Real Estate discusses city branding, economic development, talent attraction and urban sustainability.
Olle Zetterberg on Stockholm Business Region Marketing and Branding
Olle Zetterberg in this interview discusses the challenges and sucesses of branding the Stockholm Business Region, talent attraction and city marketing trends - and pitfalls to avoid.
Nordic Place Branding Conference, Copenhagen March 2018: Highlights
Summary of the Nordic Place Branding conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2018, covering topics such as talent attraction strategies, brand management and destination marketing ideas.
Louise Juhl of Copenhagen Capacity on Talent Attraction Strategies, the Role of Empathy and Collaboration
Louise Juhl in this interview tells us how Copenhagen Capacity helps the Greater Copenhagen region attract international talent, business and investment. She also discusses the challenges involved in cross-border region branding, and why sustainability is a key part of Copenhagen's city brand success.