The Changing Face of Post-Coup Turkey
Samantha North reflects on the changing face of post-coup Turkey, and how recent developments in the country have impacted its image abroad.
Jose Filipe Torres on the Branding and Digital Reputation of Countries,...
Jose Filipe Torres in this interview discusses the growing importance of the branding and digital reputation of cities, regions and countries.
Three Steps for Turkey to Reposition its Brand Image in Time...
Efe Sevin suggests three steps for Turkey to proactively manage its deteriorating country brand image in time of coup.
How Stockholm Positioned Itself as The Capital of Scandinavia: City Branding...
Julian Stubbs of Up There, Everywhere reflects on the city branding successes and challenges of Stockholm as "The Capital of Scandinavia."
Not Just About Money: How Cities Become Leaders in Talent Attraction
Svetlana Masjutina shares her thoughts and provides examples of how cities can become leaders in talent attraction and retention, especially catering to the needs of the millennial workforce. Case studies include Houston, Nashville, Montreal.
Book Review of Places: Identity, Image and Reputation by Simon Anholt
Review of the book Places: Identity, Image and Reputation by Simon Anholt. Summary of key points and the author's view on place branding.