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How Presidents influence Country Brands - Example Hugo Chavez

How Presidents Influence Country Brands: Examples from Latin America

Guest post by Professor Lina Maria Echeverri on Presidents and how they influence their country brands and national reputation: examples from Latin America.
Magdalena Florek place branding scholar, speaker and advisor, Poland

Magdalena Florek on City Branding and Destination Marketing

Magdalena Florek, co-founder of the European Best Place Marketing Institute in Poland, discusses city branding, destination brands and country reputation.
Place Branding and Marketing Manifesto 2015

7 Place Branding and Marketing Research Priorities for 2015

Overview of the seven place branding and marketing research priorities identified by the Best Place - European Place Marketing Institute.
Place Branding and Marketing Manifesto 2015

Thoughts on 2015 Place Marketing and Branding Manifesto

Spot on: 2015 Place Marketing and Branding Manifesto by Best Place Institute & leading place branding scholars and experts: definitions, concepts, goals.
TED talk Doug Lansky on need to reinvent DMO

Do We Need to Reinvent Destination Marketing Organizations?

TED talk by travel writer and advisor Doug Lansky on how DMO can solve travel's authenticity crisis by focusing on destination management, not marketing.

7 Success Factors for Effective Place Brand Partnerships

Guest post by Barcelona branding expert Juan Carlos Belloso on how to create + maintain effective place brand partnerships - success factors and principles.