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How to communicate sustainability in destination marketing

How (Not) to Communicate Sustainability in Destination Marketing: Keep it Real

Sustainability and tourism marketing expert Professor Xavier Font gives tips on how (not) to communicate sustainability as part of destination marketing.
City Nation Place Forum

Place Brand Observer Partners with City Nation Place

Happy to announce the Place Brand Observer's partnership with City Nation Place, the new forum for place branding professionals in London.
Place branding strategies for rural development

Guest Post: Place Branding Strategies for Rural Development

Regional branding: Place brand expert Gerard van Keken looks at the importance and potential of place branding to support development of rural areas.

Malcolm Allan on City Branding and Placemaking in Great Britain

Place branding expert Malcolm Allan of Place Matters in the UK in this interview shares his experience and thoughts on city development and destination branding.
AT Atlantic Arc City Branding supporters

Atlantic City Branding – AT Brand Project Fosters Collaboration

Guest post by Robert Hughes, responsible for Atlantic Brand and Dublin City Brand Projects, on integrated City Branding and collaboration across countries.

Why Place Branding Is (Still) Not About Logos and Slogans

Robert Govers on why place branding is not just about creating catchy slogans and logos, which are only one part of city or destination branding strategy.