Brand is a term closely linked to the image or reputation of a product or place. Learn about place brands in this collection of articles focused on the reputation linked to cities, regions, nations, countries and destinations. You might also be interested in academic definitions of brand and branding.
Ethics And Why We Need To Rebrand Branding
Josh Jost ethics and identity consultant in London, reflects on ethics and why we need to rebrand branding, or at least think twice about how we approach brands and branding.
Place Branders, Don’t Mess With The People’s Brand!
What does place branding look like from a designer's perspective? David F Coates makes a compelling case for civic engagement in branding.
Green Brands and Sustainability Branding: Definition, Concepts, Theory
Review of academic literature on green brands and sustainability branding in a place context. Learn about definitions, concepts, theories.
Brands and Branding: Definition, Concepts, Theory
Review of academic literature on brand and branding. Learn about different concepts and theoretical perspectives of relevance to place brand professionals.
Top or Flop? Good and Bad Place Brand Rankings
Eduardo Oliveira discusses place brand rankings, whether we should perceive of cities, countries as brands, or have we all succumbed to ranking fetish?
Wally Olins On Nations As Brands
Can nations be brands? How does nation branding affect nationhood? Video and thoughts by the late Wally Olins.