city brand
Latest city brand insights, trends, analysis and expert advice on city brand image, reputation, brand strategy and management of cities and urban centers.
The Beauty of the Less Significant — City Branding by Other Means
Christopher Hire calls for city branding which is playful, light and experimental. Learn from giants like Paris, or minnows in Japan.
The Value of Fluid and Dense Place Brandscapes
How fluid and dense place brandscapes can support city brand co-creation - Amelia Green of Griffith University (Australia) investigates.
Cecilia Pasquinelli on Urban Competitiveness and Culture
Cecilia Pasquinelli, Postdoctoral Researcher at Gran Sasso Science Institute in Italy, in this interview talks about place branding, geographical associations of brands, urban competitiveness and cultural economy.
Branding Cities Through History and Culture: Example Verona and Cannes
Svetlana Masjutina discusses the role of history, culture, events in the branding and brand positioning of cities, with Verona in Italy and the French city of Cannes as examples.
Not Just About Money: How Cities Become Leaders in Talent Attraction
Svetlana Masjutina shares her thoughts and provides examples of how cities can become leaders in talent attraction and retention, especially catering to the needs of the millennial workforce. Case studies include Houston, Nashville, Montreal.
Richard Florida on Creative Cities and Economic Development
City brands and the making, management and communication of a city's strongest assets in the eyes of potential residents, visitors, investors and students, has been a key occupation of economic development professionals all over the world. Richard Florida explains why the Creative Classes are so important in achieving city strength and a competitive position.