City Image
City image insights, management strategies, trends and advice for city brand managers, marketers and urban developers. You might also be interested in our articles on livability and reputation.
Overtourism in European Cities: Study Reveals Root Causes, Consequences and Possible Solutions
Ko Koens of NHTV Breda University discusses findings of a recent study on overtourism in major European cities, the root causes, consequences and feasible solutions.
How Incredible India and the Reputation of London Led Me to PhD in Place Branding
Shalini Bisani tells us how the "Incredible India" marketing campaign and the reputation of London led her to pursue a PhD in Place Branding in the UK.
Greg Clark on City Branding and Urban Development
Greg Clark CBE in this interview discusses city branding and urban development trends, challenges and opportunities, with examples from around the world.
Eli Avraham on Place Image and Media Coverage of Cities and Countries
Eli Avraham of Haifa University in Israel shares his views on media coverage of cities and countries, and how place branding can help overcome a negative image.
Events as City Branding Opportunity: 4 Things Small Cities Need to Avoid
Can events support the city branding of small cities? Yes, argues Christian Dragin-Jensen, if city officials manage to avoid four common pitfalls. With examples from Denmark.
4 Things Australia Can Teach Asia in City Branding – And Vice Versa
Christopher Hire on city branding and urban development in Australia and Asia, and what Australian and Asian cities can learn from each other.