City Image
City image insights, management strategies, trends and advice for city brand managers, marketers and urban developers. You might also be interested in our articles on livability and reputation.
Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko on City Branding as Strategic Management Tool for Local Governments
Finnish researcher and academic Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko in this interview discusses his most recent book "The Political Economy of City Branding" (Routledge).
City Reputation Ranking 2014: Insights and Interpretations
Summary of key insights from the 2014 City Reputation Ranking by the Reputation Institute, and interpretations of results.
Media Representations of Places: Definition, Concepts, Theory
Summary of academic literature on media representations of places: how the media influences our perceptions and image of places, and the consequences.
Place Image and Reputation: Definition, Concepts, Theory
Summary of academic literature on the perceptions of places, factors influencing place image and reputation, and the six dimensions of national reputation. Get to know the key scholars and their publications.