Country Brand Leaders

Conrad Bird on the GREAT Britain Country Branding Campaign

Conrad Bird, the Director of the GREAT Britain country branding campaign, discusses the initiative's ambitions to generate jobs, growth in tourism, trade, and education, and how the Brexit vote has impacted the campaign.

Annika Rembe on Sweden, Country Reputation and Public Diplomacy

Annika Rembe of the Swedish Institute explains how Sweden promotes itself abroad, its country branding challenges and public diplomacy strategies.

Jose Filipe Torres on the Branding and Digital Reputation of Countries, Regions and Cities

Jose Filipe Torres in this interview discusses the growing importance of the branding and digital reputation of cities, regions and countries.

Caio Esteves on Place Branding in Brazil and Latin America

Caio Esteves introduces us to place branding in Brazil and explains how his MBA program integrates different disciplines and approaches. He also reveals which place branding examples in Latin America inspire his work and why the brand and reputation of Brazil has not been able to benefit as much as it could from the nation's global exposure linked to the Soccer World Cup and the Olympic games.

Simon Anholt on the Good Country Index and the Global Vote

Simon Anholt on his latest projects, the Global Vote and the Good Country Index, whose second version was published last week. In the interview Simon Anholt reflects on trends and the challenges of measuring how good - or bad - countries are for the global community.

Inga Hlín Pálsdóttir on Destination Branding and Iceland

Inga Hlin Palsdottir, Director at Promote Iceland, about her experiences of promoting Iceland as destination and developing the country's nation brand positioning.
