Country Branding

Adriana Acosta on 10 Years of the Essential Costa Rica Country Brand

Country Brand Director of PROCOMER, Adriana Acosta on the Essential Costa Rica country brand evolution over the past 10 years, and its future priorities.

How Sustainability Impacts Country Brands and Soft Power – Podcast Ep. 13

Podcast episode on how sustainability impacts country brands and soft power - based on an expert panel discussion, featuring New Zealand.

Sayaka Toyokawa on Place Branding in Japan and Taking the IPBA Course

Sayaka Toyokawa took home the award for best assignment submitted at the recently completed course by the International Place Branding Organization. We caught up with her to learn about place branding in Japan.

Florian Kaefer on Nation Branding and the Origins of The Place Brand Observer

Florian Kaefer in this interview shares good practice examples in nation- and country branding and tells the story of The Place Brand Observer - how it started and what it stands for.

Constanza Cea on How Chile is Creating Future

Constanza Cea shares how Chile is positioning its country brand(ing) towards clean energy and other aspects of sustainability, attracting new investment and global attention.

Around the World in 68 Days: Place Brands Through a Traveller’s Eyes

Buck Song Koh's latest book, Around the World in 68 Days - Place Brands Through a Traveller's Eyes: recommended reading by The Place Brand Observer.
