Place Marketing

Philip Kotler on Place Marketing, Branding and Why We Need to Rethink Capitalism

Professor Philip Kotler in this interview discusses place marketing, his latest book on how to fix capitalism and why he likes Simon Anholt's Good Country Index.

Magdalena Florek on City Branding and Destination Marketing

Magdalena Florek, co-founder of the European Best Place Marketing Institute in Poland, discusses city branding, destination brands and country reputation.

7 Place Branding and Marketing Research Priorities for 2015

Overview of the seven place branding and marketing research priorities identified by the Best Place - European Place Marketing Institute.

Thoughts on 2015 Place Marketing and Branding Manifesto

Spot on: 2015 Place Marketing and Branding Manifesto by Best Place Institute & leading place branding scholars and experts: definitions, concepts, goals.

Destination Managers: How to Create a Meaningful Visitor Experience

Guest post by Erik van t' Klooster on how to create meaningful visitor experiences at destinations. Good tips for destination marketing professionals.

Why Not to Confuse Place Branding and Place Marketing

Place branding and place marketing: where's the difference? Place reputation expert Robert Govers has answers - and illustrates how both can benefit cities, regions, countries.
