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Place branding research academic discipline

Putting Place Branding in its Place (as an Academic Discipline)

Efe Sevin serves as our Academic Observer this semester. In this post, Efe discusses whether place branding research deserves to be treated as a stand-alone academic discipline.
Christopher Hire interview

Christopher Hire on Cities, Innovation and City Branding

Christopher Hire, Executive Director of 2thinknow Innovation Agency, talks about city attractiveness, economic development and the main challenges cities face with regard to brand image and reputation.
Place Brand Observer reader survey 2016

Editorial: We Asked, You Answered – 2016 Reader Survey Responses

Over the last weeks we ran a survey via our newsletter, where we asked you what you like about The Place Brand Observer, which topics you are most interested in, and which services you'd like us to offer. Here is a short summary of findings.
Jordi Xifra interview

Jordi Xifra on Place Reputation, Public Diplomacy and Catalonia

Professor Jordi Xifra of Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, on place reputation, public relations research, nation building and the case of Catalonia.
Place brand rankings: how to use them

How to Use Place Brand Rankings

Place brand expert Svetlana Masjutina on how to use place brand rankings and reputation indices. Useful tips for city, destination, nation brand managers.
Nancy Snow interview

Nancy Snow on Japan, Nation Brands and Public Diplomacy

Public diplomacy expert Nancy Snow shares her thoughts on Japan, nation branding in Asia and the role of storytelling in brand positioning.