Simon Anholt on Governments, Nations, Responsibility

If you haven’t done so already, I highly recommend watching this TED talk by Simon Anholt on governments, reputation, why countries and nations need to act as responsible, caring members of the global community, and why status quo competition thinking won’t get us anywhere in the long-term:


Responsibility Leaders and Laggards – The Good Country Index

Simon Anholt is also the initiator, together with Robert Govers, of the Good Country Index, an attempt to rank countries according to how much good – or bad – they do for the global community. Read our previous blog post on why, despite its flaws, the Good Country Index is a good idea.

Books by Anholt and Govers

Both Anholt and Govers have written books on place branding that are essential part of any reading list on the subject: best-selling books by Simon Anholt and place branding books by Robert Govers on Amazon.

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