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How Tourism Advertising Impacts Destination Image and Country Reputation: Example Bangladesh

How can tourism advertising be used in destination branding and to impact perceptions and reputation of countries? Here key insights from a recent study on the case of Bangladesh.

Brian Richards on Place Branding Success Strategies and New Zealand

Brian Richards of Richards Partners in this interview reflects on what place branding strategies need to be successful, how New Zealand performs as country brand, as well as the trends and challenges influencing place branders around the world.

Eytan Schwartz on Tel Aviv, City Branding and Talent Attraction

Eytan Schwartz, CEO of Tel Aviv Global, in this interview illustrates how the city branding and reputation of Tel Aviv has evolved over time.

Edith Wong of Invest Hong Kong on FDI and Talent Attraction Strategies

Edith Wong, Chief Marketing Officer at Invest Hong Kong, illustrates how "Asia's World City" positions itself as attractive place for foreign direct investment and businesses.

Stefan Roesch on Films, Destination Marketing and Tourism Opportunities

Stefan Roesch of New Zealand in this interview highlights the connections between films (feature films and TV productions), destination marketing and tourism.

Don Dioko on Macau, Tourism Marketing and Destination Branding in China

Don Dioko, Professor and Director of the International Tourism Research Centre in Macau, China, reflects on tourism marketing and destination branding research. He also addresses the pitfalls of region branding, refering to China’s Greater Bay Area development.
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