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Fabiana Mariutti on Brazil’s Place Brand Identity and Country Image

Fabiana Mariutti in this interview explores the multifaceted aspects of Brazil's complex place brand identity, image and country reputation.

São Paulo City Performance, Brand Strength and Reputation

São Paulo city performance according to international indices and studies on environmental performance, city brand value, economic development, sustainability, attractiveness and ease of doing business.

Brazil – Economic Performance, Sustainability, Country Brand Strength and Reputation

Explore Brazil's economic performance, sustainability, country brand strength and reputation, according to rankings and indices.

Country Brand Report Latin America: 2017 Reputation Winners, Losers and Trends

Gustavo Konisczcer of FutureBrand LATAM presents the highlights of the Country Brand Report Latin America 2017: reputation winners, losers and trends.

Adriana Campelo on Heritage and Co-Creational Place Branding

Adriana Campelo talks about destination marketing in Brazil, sensory place brand experiences and why a co-creational branding approach is key to sustainable place brands.

Digital Country Index 2017: Winners, Losers and Trends

José Filipe Torres, CEO of Madrid-based place branding advisory firm Bloom Consulting, discusses the winners and losers of the Digital Country Index 2017.
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