city identity
Learn about latest city identity research insights, expert opinion and examples of city identity work for city marketing from around the world.
Psychology and Cities: Charles Landry Explores the Hidden (Urban) Dimension
Charles Landry in this guest post connects the dots between cities and psychology, and calls for a stronger focus on the psychological resilience of cities as safe havens in turbulent times.
Greg Clark on City Branding and Urban Development
Greg Clark CBE in this interview discusses city branding and urban development trends, challenges and opportunities, with examples from around the world.
Günter Soydanbay on How to Succeed in City Branding, with Lessons from Turkey
Günter Soydanbay in this interview discusses city branding challenges and approaches, and shares valuable insights from his work with cities such as Izmir and Gaziantep in Turkey.
Dominic Medway on City Marketing and the Future of Town Centres in the UK
Dominic Medway of Manchester Business School discusses the role of city marketing and place branding in the repositioning of town centres in the UK.
7 Placemaking and Visitor Experience Lessons from Eastern Europe
Christopher Hire on placemaking, city branding and visitor experience in Eastern European cities: challenges and opportunities.
Jeannette Hanna of Trajectory Consulting on Creating Authentic Place Brands
Jeannette Hanna, chief strategist at Trajectory Consulting, discusses authentic place brands and the link between place branding, placemaking and place management.