Colombia: Place brand insights and thoughts on the Colombian nation brand, Colombia’s country branding, reputation and positioning as country-of-origin.
José Pablo Arango Calle on Country Branding and the Reputation of Colombia
Learn about Colombia's image, reputation and country branding initiatives in this interview with José Pablo Arango Calle of ProColombia.
Current State of Place Branding Practice in Latin America
Leading place brand developers, managers and marketers share their opinion on the current state of place branding practice in Latin America.
Lina Maria Echeverri on Country Branding in Latin America
Lina Maria Echeverri from Botogá in this interview discusses country branding in Latin America, nation brands and the reputation of countries like Colombia.
How Presidents Influence Country Brands: Examples from Latin America
Guest post by Professor Lina Maria Echeverri on Presidents and how they influence their country brands and national reputation: examples from Latin America.