Country Branding

Is Country Branding A Waste of Money?

Is country branding a waste of taxpayers' money? Yes, if it's reduced to paid media advertising campaigns, argues Robert Govers. Here's how to do it better.

Daniel Valverde Bagnarello on How Essential Costa Rica Became a Country Branding Success Story

Daniel Valverde Bagnarello in this interview discusses the strategy behind award-winning country brand Essential Costa Rica and shares how country branding "the Costa Rican way" has become a success story and example to follow.

Sithembile Ntombela on How South Africa Approaches Destination Marketing and Nation Branding

Sithembile Ntombela in this interview introduces us to South Africa's approach to destination marketing and nation branding. Learn about South Africa's economic and social reality, investment opportunities and how Brand South Africa works towards strengthening a shared national identity.

How Tourism Advertising Impacts Destination Image and Country Reputation: Example Bangladesh

How can tourism advertising be used in destination branding and to impact perceptions and reputation of countries? Here key insights from a recent study on the case of Bangladesh.

My Short Introduction to Country Branding: In The Place Economy Book by Hoyne

Branding with borders - a chapter by TPBO editor Florian Kaefer on country branding in the Place Economy book by Andrew Hoyne (volume 2).

Country Branding: What It Is and How It Works

Country branding can transform global perceptions of countries, can boost national pride, and support export of products and services. Find out how in our articles, case studies and interviews with specialists in country reputation and nation brand rankings.
