Good Country Index
The Good Country Index by Simon Anholt is an ambitious project to measure the impact of countries on citizens abroad, and as such an important indicator for public diplomacy professionals. Learn about the latest findings, insights, thoughts and interpretations of the Good Country Index.
Philip Kotler on Place Marketing, Branding and Why We Need to Rethink Capitalism
Professor Philip Kotler in this interview discusses place marketing, his latest book on how to fix capitalism and why he likes Simon Anholt's Good Country Index.
Robert Govers on Place Branding Theory and Practice
Learn about the past and future of place branding theory and practice in this interview with city, country reputation scholar and advisor Robert Govers.
Simon Anholt Explains Good Country Index
Interview with Simon Anholt on the Good Country Index - measuring responsibility and sustainability of nations and countries on the global stage.
Simon Anholt on Governments, Nations, Responsibility
TED talk by Simon Anholt on governments, country reputation and why countries and nations need to act as responsible, caring members of global community.
Thoughts on Good Country Index by Anholt and Govers
Ireland came first in the 2014 edition of the Good Country Index by Simon Anholt and Robert Govers, and has led to quite a stir. Thoughts & reflections.