Nations, as imagined communities have a strong cultural and political component, which means that strategies used for the brand positioning of destination are not necessarily the most adequate (see our nation branding section for details and examples). The collection of articles below is about national image, reputation and nations as brands.
Thea McGovern on Scotland’s Evolving Brand Strategy
Thea McGovern of Leith reflects on 15+ years of shaping Scotland’s nation brand, the shift towards values-led storytelling, and the challenges of balancing domestic and international perceptions.
Rob Catterson on How Scotland is Attracting Global Investment
Rob Catterson of Scottish Enterprise discusses how Scotland is redefining its global business brand to attract investment, leveraging innovation, sustainability, and trade opportunities.
Samantha Crawford on Brand Scotland, the Power of Storytelling, and National Pride
Future Leader Award winner Samantha Crawford on Brand Scotland, the power of storytelling, and fostering national pride.
Is America Back Again? Rebuilding Brand America
Is America back again and how have recent political changes impacted Brand America? A guest commentary by Hjörtur Smárason.
Nation Branding Explained: Insights, Strategies, Examples
Nation branding - a concept and term which has received ample criticism. But what does it actually mean? And how does nation branding differ from public diplomacy, country branding? Answers to those and similar questions here.
Christopher Browning on Humour, Nation Branding and the Politics of Identity
The role of humour in nation branding and public diplomacy, and the politics of identity are two of the topics addressed in this interview by Christopher Browning of the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom.