Place Branding Journal

Sustainability as Place Brand Position: Research Insights from Thailand

Research update on sustainability as place brand position in urban Thailand, the importance of sustainability in place branding and the challenges.

How Travel Bloggers and Influencers Shake Up Destination Marketing: Research Update

How vloggers and online influencers are shaking up destination marketing practices, and the do's and don'ts DMOs should consider when working with travel bloggers. Rachel Luna Peralta of the Macau Institute for Tourism Studies shares her research findings.

Smart Cities and City Branding: How ICT Impacts Urban Development and Representation

Smart cities: how does ICT impact urban development and representatin (city branding)? Olga Kolotouchkina and Gildo Seisdedos share their research insights.

How Expos Can Serve as Opportunity for Citizen Involvement and Place Branding

Expos as opportunity for citizen involvement and place branding is the topic of research presented by Magdalena Florek and Marta Herezniak in the academic journal 'Place Branding & Public Diplomacy'. Summary Research findings and implications for Expo planners and city managers.

Place Branding Gathering Momentum: 2018 Research Priorities and Future Directions

Place branding is gathering momentum, write Mihalis Kavaratzis and Charles Dennis in a special edition of the journal Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. Here a summary of their thoughts on 2018 research priorities and future directions.

How Israel Used Micro-Marketing to Improve Country Brand Perceptions

Amir Grinstein, Associate Professor of Marketing at Northeastern University (USA) and VU Amsterdam (the Netherlands), shares his research findings on how Israel used micro-marketing as attempt to (re)position the country and improve its image abroad.
