Placemaking is an integral part of place branding in that it provides the substance which can later be manged and communicated as place brand. Learn about latest research insights, expert advice. Reflections by and for place planners and development professionals.
Emma Björner on Sustainable Tourism and Place Branding
Emma Björner shares her insights on city branding practices in China and how to involve relevant stakeholders meaningfully into place branding and sustainable tourism initiatives.
Destination Marketing: Which Pitfalls to Avoid When Promoting Tourism During the Pandemic
Which pitfalls destination marketers and managers should avoid when promoting tourism during the coronavirus pandemic.
Destination Sustainability: How to Influence Visitor Behaviour and Encourage Responsible Travel
How destination managers and marketers can influence visitor behaviour and encourage responsible travel, as part of their effort to promote sustainable tourism and destination sustainability.
Strengthening Destination Sustainability Post COVID-19: How to Best Resume Tourism?
What can destination marketers and managers do to encourage tourism sustainability post the coronavirus pandemic? Find out from our global panel of specialists.
The Class of 2020 Trend Report: Key Insights on Placemaking and How We Live, Work and Learn
Latest insights and findings from The Class of 2020's report on trends and tendencies in how we live, study and work. Must read for talent attraction managers.
Climate Emergency: How Place Branding Strategies Can Help to Address It
How can place branding help to address the climate emergency - and how does a city's or country's stance towards dealing with climate change impact its reputation? Our expert panel has answers.