
Reflections on the International Branding Strategy of the Nordic Region

Research summary and region branding case study by Johannes Magnus on the international brand positioning strategy of the Nordic region in Europe.

Origins and Success of 100% Pure New Zealand Destination Brand

'100% Pure New Zealand' is widely regarded one of the most successful destination branding campaigns. But how did it all start? Find out in this summary of literature on the origins and success of the 100% Pure New Zealand campaign.

How to Change a Destination Name: Case Study Lane County, Oregon (USA)

Case study on how to change a destination name: from Lane County to Eugene, Cascades & Coast - by city branding expert Bill Baker, Oregon (USA).

Christof Biggeleben about City Branding, History and Berlin

Christof Biggeleben talks about city brands, history, country branding, sports events and the image of Germany, Bavaria and Berlin.

Do We Need to Reinvent Destination Marketing Organizations?

TED talk by travel writer and advisor Doug Lansky on how DMO can solve travel's authenticity crisis by focusing on destination management, not marketing.

Rebranding Barcelona as City for Business, Talent and Innovation: City Branding Case Study

City branding expert Juan Carlos Belloso in this case study reflects on Brand Barcelona and its rebranding as city of talent, entrepreneurship and innovation.
