Regional Branding
Regional branding and inter-regional place brand initiatives are becoming increasingly popular. Here are latest research insights and examples of regional branding that foster collaboration and regional economic development.
Øyvind Såtvedt on Brand Development and Management of the Oslo Region
Øyvind Såtvedt on developing and managing the brand of the Oslo Region, the challenges and trends affecting place branding in Scandinavia, Europe.
Jesper Falkheimer on Place Branding, Media and Strategic Communication
Professor Jesper Falkheimer of Lund University in Sweden on the links between place branding, media and strategic communication.
Reflections on the International Branding Strategy of the Nordic Region
Research summary and region branding case study by Johannes Magnus on the international brand positioning strategy of the Nordic region in Europe.
India: From Nation Branding to State Branding and Competitive Federalism
India nation brand expert Aparna Sharma discusses how Indian states have begun to develop their own brands and to position themselves internationally as business hubs, leading to representations of state and nation next to each other at important events, such as Davos.
How to Change a Destination Name: Case Study Lane County, Oregon (USA)
Case study on how to change a destination name: from Lane County to Eugene, Cascades & Coast - by city branding expert Bill Baker, Oregon (USA).
Jordi de San Eugenio Vela on Barcelona, City Branding and Public Diplomacy in Catalonia, Spain
Jordi de San Eugenio Vela of Universitat de Vic - University of Central Catalonia in this interview discusses city and nation branding, using the examples of Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain.