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Madrid City Performance, Brand Strength and Reputation

Summary of rankings on how Madrid performs in terms of economic performance, city brand strength, livability and reputation.

Fabiana Mariutti on Brazil’s Place Brand Identity and Country Image

Fabiana Mariutti in this interview explores the multifaceted aspects of Brazil's complex place brand identity, image and country reputation.

Mexico City Performance, Brand Strength and Reputation

Mexico City performance, brand image and reputation, according to international indices and studies on environmental performance, city brand value, economic development, sustainability, attractiveness and ease of doing business.

São Paulo City Performance, Brand Strength and Reputation

São Paulo city performance according to international indices and studies on environmental performance, city brand value, economic development, sustainability, attractiveness and ease of doing business.

Buenos Aires City Performance, Brand Strength and Reputation

Buenos Aires city performance, brand image and reputation, according to international indices and studies on environmental performance, city brand value, economic development, sustainability, attractiveness and ease of doing business.

Moscow City Performance, Brand Strength and Reputation

Moscow's city brand strength and urban performance, according to studies measuring livability, economic competitiveness, creativity and sustainability.
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