
How to Finance Place Branding Initiatives? Strategies and Examples

How to finance place branding strategies, initiatives, organizations? A question every city, destination or country branding professional has to tackle. We've put it to our panel of place brand specialists. Here's what they suggest.

How to Create a Place Brand Communications Strategy?

How to create a place brand communications strategy? A question every city or country branding professional has to tackle. We've put it to our panel of place brand specialists. Here's what they said.

Julian Stubbs on City Branding of Liverpool, Stockholm, Place Marketing Challenges and Trends

Julian Stubbs discusses the maturing practice of place branding, the case of Stockholm, destination and city marketing trends, challenges and developments, and the Liverpool Place Branding event 2018.

Just ESTonishing: How Dutchman Peter Kentie Came Up with Pro Bono Nation Branding Concept for Estonia

Peter Kentie tells us how he came up with the Just ESTonishing nation branding concept for the country of Estonia in Eastern Europe, why he dedicated his time and energy to this pro bono initiative and how it has paid off for him nevertheless.

How the Oslo Brand Toolbox Supports the City Branding of the Norwegian Capital

The Oslo Brand Toolbox is an innovative city branding strategy and example worth following. Oslo Brand Manager Tone-Lise Vilje in this case study tells us how the Oslo Brand Toolbox works, and how it supports the Norwegian capital's economic development and talent attraction ambitions.

Louise Juhl of Copenhagen Capacity on Talent Attraction Strategies, the Role of Empathy and Collaboration

Louise Juhl in this interview tells us how Copenhagen Capacity helps the Greater Copenhagen region attract international talent, business and investment. She also discusses the challenges involved in cross-border region branding, and why sustainability is a key part of Copenhagen's city brand success.
