Sustainability has become a very important aspect for the reputation and competitiveness of cities and destinations. Sustainability is also important for economic development and attracting foreign direct investment (fdi), since more and more funding institutions are required to prioritize their investments. And of course expats and students are looking for cities with high livability scores, which can only be reached through sustainable development.
Knowledge partner: Sustainability Leaders Project
Climate Emergency: Why Place Branding Must Respond (And How It Can)
Climate resilience and mitigation - and the implications for place branding: the focus of the expert contributions by our Special Observer, Malcolm Allan.
Destination Sustainability: How to Make Your Host Community Tourism-Friendly
How destination marketers and tourism managers can persuade their communities to welcome tourists again, after the coronavirus pandemic.
Destination Marketing: Which Pitfalls to Avoid When Promoting Tourism During the Pandemic
Which pitfalls destination marketers and managers should avoid when promoting tourism during the coronavirus pandemic.
Destination Sustainability: How to Influence Visitor Behaviour and Encourage Responsible Travel
How destination managers and marketers can influence visitor behaviour and encourage responsible travel, as part of their effort to promote sustainable tourism and destination sustainability.
Strengthening Destination Sustainability Post COVID-19: How to Best Resume Tourism?
What can destination marketers and managers do to encourage tourism sustainability post the coronavirus pandemic? Find out from our global panel of specialists.
Why Climate Resilience Is Now Key for Place Branding Success: Malcolm Allan
Why are climate resilience and sustainability now key factors for place branding success? Malcolm Allan explains in this episode of the Adapt Inc. places podcast by Aleks Vladimirov.