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Rodney Payne on City Branding, the Climate Emergency and Destination Sustainability

Rodney Payne of Destination Think on successful city branding, the climate emergency and destination sustainability.

AMAALA Destination Case Study: Reinventing Luxury Through Sustainability in Saudi Arabia

AMAALA: Luc Speisser of Landor & Fitch illustrates the process of developing the destination logo and visual identity, based on luxury and sustainability.

Daniel Valverde on Costa Rica’s Country Branding Strategy

Daniel Valverde Bagnarello on Costa Rica's country branding strategy and how the nation is successfully linking its brand proposition with values of sustainability and climate emergency mitigation.

Climate Emergency: What Place Branders Can Do Right Now

How place branding teams can - and should - respond to the climate emergency is the focus of this contribution by Malcolm Allan, President of Bloom Consulting.

Place Branding and the Climate Emergency: Place Brand Leaders Podcast Episode Three

Climate change and its implications for place branding is the topic of the third episode of the Place Brand Leaders podcast, hosted by Florian Kaefer - this time in conversation with Malcolm Allan of Bloom Consulting.

How to Ensure Destination Sustainability and Resilience Post Covid-19? Place Brand Leaders Podcast Episode Two

In this second episode of the Place Brand Leaders podcast, Florian Kaefer and Aleks Vladimirov discuss tourism sustainability post Covid-19 and share some of the tips presented in a recent TPBO white paper on the topic.
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