authentic brands
Authentic brands: Learn about latest research insights and thoughts on authentic brands and the role of authenticity in the place branding process.
Edwin Schmidheiny on International Branding
Edwin Schmidheiny of Accent Brand Consultants in Switzerland, on the meaning and purpose of brands and the differences and similarities between place branding and commercial branding.
Bruno Marti on How to Brand a Hotel: Example 25hours
How to brand a hotel? How to use smart design and create unique experiences for that special identity and brand which conscious guests can identify with? Bruno Marti tells us how 25hours Hotels do it.
Differentiating the Place Brand: Insights from the Revived Gold Coast (Australia) City Brand Story
Amelia Green reflects on the role of city brand storytellers in place branding, and illustrates how storytelling can be enhanced by local media, such as in the case of Blank GC, reviving the Gold Coast city brand story.
Graffiti, Place Brand Authenticity and Creative Placemaking
Is commissioning graffiti authentic? And how can it support city brands? Amelia Green examines graffiti from a place branding perspective, with examples from Manila and Australia.
Richard Florida on Creative Cities and Economic Development
City brands and the making, management and communication of a city's strongest assets in the eyes of potential residents, visitors, investors and students, has been a key occupation of economic development professionals all over the world. Richard Florida explains why the Creative Classes are so important in achieving city strength and a competitive position.
How (Not) to Communicate Sustainability in Destination Marketing: Keep it Real
Sustainability and tourism marketing expert Professor Xavier Font gives tips on how (not) to communicate sustainability as part of destination marketing.