city brand
Latest city brand insights, trends, analysis and expert advice on city brand image, reputation, brand strategy and management of cities and urban centers.
Todd Mayfield on Branded Wayfinding for Destinations
Todd Mayfield, Principal and Group Creative Director of Axia Creative, talks about the key attributes, the challenges and trends in destination and city branding.
Research Insight: A Short History of City Branding Research and Practice
In this short history of city branding research and practice, Amelia Green reflects on research findings linked to the historic development of city branding: a concept that might not have been called as such, but which has been around for centuries.
Christopher Hire on Cities, Innovation and City Branding
Christopher Hire, Executive Director of 2thinknow Innovation Agency, talks about city attractiveness, economic development and the main challenges cities face with regard to brand image and reputation.
2015 City Brands Index – Reputation Ranking by Anholt-Gfk Roper
2015 edition of the city brands index by Anholt-Gfk Roper sees Paris top, before London and New York City. Our summary of the biannual reputation ranking.
City Reputation Rankings: Four Cities We Love For Their Sustainability
Learn about city reputation rankings linked to sustainability: Copenhagen, Stockholm, Vienna, Vancouver world's 'greenest' and most reputable cities.
Chris Fair on the Branding and Marketing of Cities and Destinations
Interview with Chris Fair, President of Resonance Consultancy in New York, on destination branding and city marketing trends and challenges.