City Identity

Chris Wade on Sustainable Urban Development and the Intersection of Placemaking and Place Branding

Interview with Chris Wade on placemaking and place branding, with a focus on cities and sustainable urban development in the UK and beyond.

Salma Ghanem on District Identity and Place Branding in the Arab World

Explore Salma Ghanem's insights on district identity and place branding in the Arab World, highlighting unique challenges and strategies.

City Observatory – Performance, Brand Strength, Reputation Insights

Analysis and insights on how leading cities perform in rankings and indices - economic performance, city brand strength, reputation.

A City Brand Assessment of Warsaw, Poland

In this guest contribution, Michał Basiński of Synergia Lublin shares insights into the company's analysis of Warsaw's strengths and weaknesses as a city brand: the first step of any successful place brand management strategy.

Consol Vancells Casanovas on Barcelona City Branding, Co-Creation and Storytelling

Consol Vancells Casanova shares how the image and identity of Barcelona have changed over the years, and why co-creation and storytelling are especially important for city branding, following the COVID-pandemic.

Ruya Yuksel on Why City Branding Needs to Team Up with Urban Sociology

Ruya Yuksel in this interview looks at city branding from an urban sociology point of view, reminds us of the role of identity with place brands, and explains why consistency and long-term thinking are the key to success.
