City Image

Jason McGrath on Measuring the Perceptions and Brands of Cities and Countries

Jason McGrath of Ipsos on how cities and countries can determine and improve their brand and reputation; the importance of sustainability and how to communicate well in times of crisis.

Consol Vancells Casanovas on Barcelona City Branding, Co-Creation and Storytelling

Consol Vancells Casanova shares how the image and identity of Barcelona have changed over the years, and why co-creation and storytelling are especially important for city branding, following the COVID-pandemic.

Anholt-Ipsos City Brands Index 2020: Key Insights

Key insights from the 2020 version of the biannual Anholt-Ipsos City Brands Index, together with details on its methodology.

Peter Kjeldbjerg on How Struer Became The City of Sound

Peter Kjeldbjerg shares how Struer became the City of Sound: a talent attraction and city branding example from Denmark.

How Antioch in Northern California Became the City of Opportunity | A Rebranding Story

Why and how the Northern Californian city of Antioch went through a rebranding process: a city branding case study told be David Kippen, co-founder and director of Evviva Brands.

Hong Fan on City Branding in China, Image Research and Public Diplomacy

Hong Fan, professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing and Director of the National Image Research Center, in this interviews shares her research insights into city branding in China and her observations on what works and what doesn’t in place branding, in the Chinese context.
