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city marketing

Julian Stubbs on City Branding of Liverpool, Stockholm, Place Marketing Challenges and Trends

Julian Stubbs discusses the maturing practice of place branding, the case of Stockholm, destination and city marketing trends, challenges and developments, and the Liverpool Place Branding event 2018.

How the German City of Bielefeld Used Participatory City Branding Strategies for its Rebranding

Learn how the German city of Bielefeld used participatory city branding strategies for its rebranding and for building a strong city brand which allows it to connect residents with businesses and visitors.

How the Oslo Brand Toolbox Supports the City Branding of the Norwegian Capital

The Oslo Brand Toolbox is an innovative city branding strategy and example worth following. Oslo Brand Manager Tone-Lise Vilje in this case study tells us how the Oslo Brand Toolbox works, and how it supports the Norwegian capital's economic development and talent attraction ambitions.

Mariette du Toit-Helmbold on Destination Marketing Strategies, Travel Trends and Brand South Africa

Mariette du Toit-Helmbold of Destinate and former CEO of Cape Town Tourism, in this interview discusses destination marketing strategies, travel trends and the evolution of Brand South Africa.

Top 5 City Branding Case Studies and Examples To Learn From: How They Do It

Here's our top five of city branding case studies and examples published by The Place Brand Observer so far. City branding strategies to learn from.

8 City Marketing Trends and Developments to Watch

City marketing practice is undergoing significant changes. Here eight trends in 2017, as suggested in the book titled Städte als Marken: Herausforderungen und Horizonte (Cities as Brands: Challenges and Perspectives).
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