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city marketing

Guy Bigwood on MICE, Place Marketing and Sustainability

Sustainability expert Guy Bigwood (MCI) discusses the role of sustainability as competitiveness factor for MICE destinations, and introduces the Global Destination Sustainability Index.

City Branding: To Flag or Not to Flag?

To flag or not to flag? Amelia Green investigates how city flags are used for place branding in cities such as Chicago (USA) and Gold Coast, Australia.

Research Insight: A Short History of City Branding Research and Practice

In this short history of city branding research and practice, Amelia Green reflects on research findings linked to the historic development of city branding: a concept that might not have been called as such, but which has been around for centuries.

Research Insight: Branding Cities in the Age of Social Media

City branding scholar Efe Sevin discusses his research on social media use for city branding, reminding city marketers that branding is a long-term process.

David Adam on City Branding, Urban Management and Better Cities

David Adam, city development and branding consultant, discusses the future of cities and strategies for investment attraction and place brand positioning.

Virtual Real Estate – Geographic Domain Extensions for Place Marketing

Guest post by Dirk Krischenowski on geographic domain extension and their use for place branding and marketing, especially cities and destinations.
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