Learn about latest city research insights, trends and advice for those in charge of city marketing and city brand management.
City Reputation Ranking 2014: Insights and Interpretations
Summary of key insights from the 2014 City Reputation Ranking by the Reputation Institute, and interpretations of results.
How to Develop a City Branding Strategy: Example Cork, Ireland
City branding case study on Cork in Ireland - a step by step example of creating and executing a city brand strategy by the branding expert, Malcolm Allan.
Cities of Opportunity – Where Sustainability Thrives
PwC Cities of Opportunity report shows Sydney, Stockholm, Paris, Berlin, San Francisco, Toronto lead in liveability, according to expats.
Top or Flop? Good and Bad Place Brand Rankings
Eduardo Oliveira discusses place brand rankings, whether we should perceive of cities, countries as brands, or have we all succumbed to ranking fetish?
Place Branding Joys and Sorrows: Logos and Slogans
Place branding professional Jeremy Hildreth reflects on the purpose - the joys and sorrows - of logos and slogans in place branding.